
The site itself is built using Quarto. The source files for this site are available on github at aaronstevenwhite/intro-to-cl. You can obtain the files by cloning this repo.

git clone

All further code on this page assumes that you are inside of this cloned repo.

cd intro-to-cl

Installing Quarto and extensions

To build this site, you will need to install Quarto as well as its include-code-files and line-highlight extensions.

quarto add quarto-ext/include-code-files
quarto add shafayetShafee/line-highlight

These extensions are mainly used for including and highlighting parts of external files.

Building the Docker container

All pages that have executed code blocks are generated from jupyter notebooks, which were run within a Docker container constructed using the Dockerfile contained in this repo.

FROM jupyter/minimal-notebook:x86_64-python-3.11.6

RUN conda install -c conda-forge numpy pynini stanza rdflib

Assuming you have Docker installed, the image can be built using:

docker build --platform linux/amd64 -t intro-to-cl .

A container based on this image can then be constructed using:

docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 -v "${PWD}":/home/jovyan/work intro-to-cl

To access jupyter, simply copy the link provided when running this command. It should look something like this (though your access tokens will differ):

To access the server, open this file in a browser:
Or copy and paste one of these URLs:

You can change the port that docker forwards to by changing the first 8888 in the -p 8888:8888 option–e.g. to redirect port 10000 -p 10000:8888. Just remember to correspondingly change the port you attempt to access in your browser: so even though the message above has you accessing port 8888, that’s the docker container’s port 8888, which forwards to your machine’s 10000.